Global warming, as many should know, is not just a theory, but a reality. According to NASA, the main cause behind the global warming trend is the “human expansion of the 'greenhouse effect',” a warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from earth towards space. Gases that contribute to this phenomenon are carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons. Unless changes occur, global warming will continue to increase, just as we have seen over the past century. The Togiak Village, located on Alaska’s remote Bristol Bay is experiencing these effects first hand.
According to the “Baked Alaska” article featured in Newsweek, the Tribal Leader of Togiak, Frank Logusak, stated there are now “shorter and warmer winters, less snow and ice, fewer bears and moose to hunt and increasingly scarce berries to gather in the summer.” These types of climate changes have severely impacted the way of life for those amongst the Togiak, along with millions across the globe. With this, we must ask ourselves, what can we do to help? Stealth Power, a mobile electric power systems company based in Austin, TX has developed an anti-idle system equipped to power the electric load of a vehicle without requiring fuel; in turn reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We must begin to rely on technologies such as this to sustain our future and protect our environment.